FREE Educational Sessions coming to Kauai and Hilo

Posted on Feb 28, 2017 in NFIP News, Uncategorized

TG Educational Session

Title Guaranty is sponsoring two educational sessions in March.  State NFIP Coordinator, Carol Tyau-Beam will provide a legislative update on efforts to amend HRS 46-88 to ensure continued eligibility in the NFIP.  In addition, speakers from Kauai (Stanford Iwamoto and Ka’aina Hull) and Hawaii County (April Suprenant and Bethany Morrison) will discuss various development requirements within their respective counties.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Realtors, Lenders, Engineers, and Government Officials.

Cost: FREE


  • KAUAI (March 17, 2017, 9AM – 12PM) – Kauai Beach Resort
  • HILO (March 31, 2017, 9AM – 12PM) – UH Hilo

Seating is limited so reserve your seat today by emailing Katherine Apao at:

For more information, view event flyer: Kauai Session, Hilo Session